A basic dropbear script for logwatch, based on http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-461926.html. For now it only summarizes failed and successful logins (password and pubkey). Place the script in /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/services/dropbear (chmod 755) and create the matching service description in /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/services/dropbear.conf.
Edit /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/services/secure.conf and add "dropbear" to the line with "$ignore_services"
use strict; use Logwatch ':all'; my $Debug = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'} || 0; my $Detail = $ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'} || 0; my %Users = (); my %BadLogins = (); my %OtherList = (); while (defined(my $ThisLine = )) { chomp($ThisLine); if (($ThisLine =~ /^pam_end: NULL pam handle passed/ ) || ($ThisLine =~ /^exit after auth \(\S+\): Disconnect received/ ) ) { #We Don't care about these } elsif ( my ($User,$Host,$Port) = ($ThisLine =~ /^password auth succeeded for '(\S+)' from ([\d\.:a-f]+):(\d+)/)) { $Users{$User}{$Host}{"password"}++; } elsif ( my ($User,$Host,$Port) = ($ThisLine =~ /^pubkey auth succeeded for '(\S+)' with key md5 [0-9a-f:]+ from ([\d\.:a-f]+):(\d+)/)) { $Users{$User}{$Host}{"pubkey"}++; } elsif ( my ($Host,$Port) = ($ThisLine =~ /^Child connection from ([\d\.:a-f]+):(\d+)/)) { $Users{"(all)"}{$Host}{"(all)"}++; } elsif ( my ($User,$Host,$Port) = ($ThisLine =~ /^bad password attempt for '(\S+)' from ([\d\.:a-f]+):(\d+)/)) { $BadLogins{$Host}{$User}++; } elsif ( my ($Host,$Port) = ($ThisLine =~ /^login attempt for nonexistent user from ([\d\.:a-f]+):(\d+)/)) { $BadLogins{$Host}{"(nonexistent)"}++; } else { $OtherList{$ThisLine}++; } } ############################################################# if (keys %BadLogins){ print "\nFailed logins from these:\n"; foreach my $ip (sort SortIP keys %BadLogins) { my $name = LookupIP($ip); my $totcount = 0; foreach my $user (keys %{$BadLogins{$ip}}) { $totcount += $BadLogins{$ip}{$user}; } my $plural = ($totcount > 1) ? "s" : ""; print " $name: $totcount time$plural\n"; if ($Detail >= 5) { my $sort = CountOrder(%{$BadLogins{$ip}}); foreach my $user (sort $sort keys %{$BadLogins{$ip}}) { my $val = $BadLogins{$ip}{$user}; my $plural = ($val > 1) ? "s" : ""; print " $user: $val time$plural\n"; } } } } if (keys %Users) { print "\nUsers logging in through dropbear:\n"; foreach my $user (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Users) { print " $user:\n"; my $totalSort = TotalCountOrder(%{$Users{$user}}, \&SortIP); foreach my $ip (sort $totalSort keys %{$Users{$user}}) { my $name = LookupIP($ip); if ($Detail >= 20) { print " $name:\n"; my $sort = CountOrder(%{$Users{$user}{$ip}}); foreach my $method (sort $sort keys %{$Users{$user}{$ip}}) { my $val = $Users{$user}{$ip}{$method}; my $plural = ($val > 1) ? "s" : ""; print " $method: $val time$plural\n"; } } else { my $val = (values %{$Users{$user}{$ip}})[0]; my $plural = ($val > 1) ? "s" : ""; print " $name: $val time$plural\n"; } } } } if (keys %OtherList) { print "\n**Unmatched Entries**\n"; print "$_ : $OtherList{$_} time(s)\n" foreach keys %OtherList; }
# You can put comments anywhere you want to. They are effective for the # rest of the line. # this is in the format of = . Whitespace at the beginning # and end of the lines is removed. Whitespace before and after the = sign # is removed. Everything is case *insensitive*. # Yes = True = On = 1 # No = False = Off = 0 Title = "Dropbear" # Which logfile group... LogFile = secure # LogFile = messages # Only give lines pertaining to the sshd service... *OnlyService = dropbear *RemoveHeaders